Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Patience. This is something I have not much of. 

I would call myself one of the most least patient people in my life.  For starters, my mom and i just started a puzzle like 30 min ago with my uncle, and i quit after the edge was done because it was frustrating me that i couldn't find pieces.  Well, thats not the point.  

Waiting on the Lord.  That is where I might lack the most patience.  I struggle to make decisions simply because I am too impatient to sit still and listen.  Then, I get impatient about not making the decision and it all goes down the drain anyways.  Waiting is something that gives me so much strength when i do it.  If i pray a focused prayer and get on my knees before the Lord, he hears me.  That is truth that I cling to with all of my might. Then, after I pray, I must sit still and listen to the Lord's answer.  I must be still and know he is God, not be anxious and restless.  I have a peace knowing he hears me and answers, but I am impatient.  I cannot sit still enough and listen. I want it right out of thin air to smack me in the face and know what my answer is.  My sisters will tell you how stubborn I am.  I have to sit and think things through on my own and wrap my mind around it before I will literally say a word.  I am known by a few people to say way too much and by others to not talk about things at all.  I think it come from my inability to rest and let things just happen.  This is nothing new, but it has definately been difficult for me to make adult decisions because it terrifies me stiff  to make important decisions.  I just need to be still and patient and know the Lord is taking care of me.

"Direct my footsteps according to your word: let no sin rule over me." Pslam 119:133

My footsteps are guided and I will be ok.  It is time to just live and let the Lord have control.  I love my life and I am truely blessed beyond measure.  I am content to rest in the joy from my Lord, my father who has given me new life.  


Sitting in my aunt and uncles castle in the hill country, I am waiting for other aunt and uncle to get here with my cousin, his wife, their two dogs, and my other cousin.  Already at the house are myself, my parents, grandparents, and aunt and uncle. Not to mention the dogs...Brazos, my mom's dog Tobi, Rex, Pepper..and this afternoon Ty, Macie and Chloe arrive.  That my friends is 12 people 8 dogs. The Marksberry, Kirk, Goodman Canine Holiday is in fulls wing.  It would be wonderful if in more of the cousins coughmysistercough...could have made it, but we are enjoying ourselves.  As the last six months of my life have unfolded, I sit here in pure joy thinking about the events.  If you have been around me much, you probably have heard plenty of complaining over the last year.  No matter how bad things have gotten, i have had more fantastic and God given blessings then things to complain about.  

Thins i am thankful for:
  • My dog Brazos is one of the funniest dogs ever and makes me smile all day long!!
  • My roommate because our house always smells good from her candles and we have a fun little home.
  • My family is one of the wildest bunch ever.  I miss everyone that I am not always around and there is never a dull moment when we are together.
  • I am very thankful for getting my Aggie Ring this year.  College was one of the roughest and most wonderful times in my life, but my aggie ring means I am almost done! I will finally have my own classroom and be an independent adult come May!
Well, i have another blod topic ive been wanting to write so I am cutting thankfulness short. I will eat another peice of pie to make up for it :)