Monday, March 9, 2009

Bedding, Crystal, and Kitchen...Oh my!

We got to register this past weekend.  We registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for most of our stuff.  I adore this store and LOVE the stuff we registered for! I am so excited about our dishes and glasswear. I think they are goign to be precious in my fun little kitchen! :)
We also registered at Target.  We got some electronics that are super neat and maybe we will get :) I was tired, cranky, and sick by this round and so target was not as much fun. Chad got to do the gun at both stores and had a blast.  He is pretty sneaky zapping things when I was not paying attention.  It was quite funny to print off the registries at the end and see the silly stuff he put on it. So I sweetly went through and deleted some unnecessary items :) haha i do love him so much!

We also both got new boots this weekend  We spent a totally of like 5 hours in Cavendars on two separate days.  We both ended up buyign two paris because we couldn't mak up our minds. I took one pair back because it wasn't my favorite pair. I love our boots. We are kind precious in them together ;) 

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