Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Story

I was recently asked to write my story for a family in Budapest Hungary. It is a blessing to be able to share who I am and what makes me who I am. I figured I would share it with you as well :)

I was diagnosd when I was four. I was tiny. I was fiesty! My family was pretty unsure what to think when they first heared "Turners Syndrome." In a blur of doctors and tests, they quickly realized that I was still the same child as I was the day before. My parents were my cheerleaders, support, and biggest advocates. Having Turners for me meant continuous ear infections and a suppressed immune system. I was always getting sick with this and that, but my mom and dad taught me how to take good care of myself. They always asked the questions that needed to be asked and made sure I had the best care. I had wonderful doctors and have been very blessed in my life. Many children who go through lots of medical care grow to fear or hate doctors. I have quite the opposite feeling about doctors. I never hesitate to call my doctors or talk to them about something I am concerned about. God has always provided wonderful doctors that have taken great care of me. I have also been fairly lucky to have only minimal health issues. The most difficult issue to date since I am now married is that I can not get pregnant. It has been emotionally difficult for me to feel inadequate, but God has changed my heart. He created me. I am perfect to God. God has walked with me through my entire life. I became a Christian as a fifteen year old with friends that showed me what it was like to live like Christ. God came into my life and showed me what a beautiful creation I was.
I have always said that I have brown hair, green eyes, and Turners Syndrome. It is just part of who I am. God knew I was going to have Turners as he knit me in my mother's womb. He knew it before the doctors did. He also knew that he was going to take great care of me and knew the issues I would face. As a girl, we struggle with issues of self image. A Turners woman has an even bigger battle to face. Our bodies are not shapped exactly the same and do not function exactly the same, but God created us this way. We are just as beautiful as the next girl. God knew I was not going to carry a child so he blessed me with an amazing husband who loves me despite my flaws. God knew that I would struggle with weight and hypothroidism so he put people in my life that could teach me how to eat right and live a healthy life. Having Turners is just a part of who I am. It is not something wrong with me. I am beautiful. I am a child of God and he loves me the same.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Long time, no Blog

Hello dear blog world. Not sure who reads, but I shall write anyways.

It has been a wild ride the last 8 months. Our dog had puppies and October-January is kind of a blur of vets, dog poop, and selling puppies. Now they are gone and all is back to normal.

Nothing else much going on. We are sitting here eating pizza and watching tv. A normal Saturday afternoon. It is 6:30 pm and i am still in my pjs. It is a beautiful thing! I cleaned, but mostly got to be lazy which I haven't done since school started in August....remember the puppy thing so I did not get to relax over Christmas break...... oh well.

We spent Christmas with his parents this year. It was a blast with all of this aunts and cousins and immediate family. We got the first day of our trip to spend with just the 5 Larry Johnsons. It was a very fun evening. I really wish Kimberly lived closer. I hate that she is all the way in Oklahoma. :( I love when we get to see her.

Tomorrow we are going to a first birthday party for our friends sweet baby girl. She is precious, very fiesty, but precious. It will be a tons of fun.

I am learning a lot this second year of marriage. We are going on 18 months of being married now. Each month, each day is different. It is a blast having my best friend around every day. I am very proud of him. He started school this week to do something to better the future of our famliy. It was a very important decision for us. it was something that needed to get done. I was a bit in an internal struggle because if he started school then we had to put off adoption for at least 2-3 more years, but if he did not go to school, then it would not set our family up to be the best we could be. Now, we get 3 more beautiful years together before we welcome sweet babies into our life. It is a precious gift God has given us to take the time together. I am so very proud of my husband for doing this.

I have been a little on the emotional side in the end of 2010. So with 2011, I vowed to have a better attitude and better outlook. The first Sunday of the new year, our pastor preached on the verse "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in all things give thanks to the Lord." It was pretty convicting because I had gotten into a habit of complaining about everything around me, mostly the dog poop. :) haha I realy am looking forward to 2011. 2010 was very rough and I hope to see some really great things happening in 2011.