Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Lifetime Kind of Love

So I spent time with my grandparents this weekend. They are sweet and wonderful as I mentioned my grandfather before. Today was very rough day at the house. Everyone was out of sorts. We were all stressed and hungry. It was just a yuck kind of day, besides hanging out with family. So we get everyone out the door and we go to dinner. We ate at the same restaraunt and actually sat at the same table we had three times in the last 2 months. We are all just chatting away as our clan tends to do together (usually with margaritas we get alittle loud.) I look over at Grandpa and he has a menu between him and Nana. He said ,"What would you like to eat honey?" Ok lets back track, my Nana has demensia (early alzteimers). Ordering from the menu sometimes is difficult if she isnt sure what sounds good. Grandpa takes wonderful, tender care of my Nana. In his sweet nature after a very very (I mean not good at all) stressful day, he leans over her and helps her pick out something to eat. They have been married for over 60 years. They got married when they were 19. The majority of their life has been together. It has withstood three children, an oil career, and medical road bumps. His love for her is so real. It is beautiful. I want a love like that. I want a love that will not be broken. A love that melts my heart when I am feeble and grey. This is the woman that he has loved for so long and even if she has rough days, that love shines through his eyes and in the way he was with her and thinks about her and her well being at ALL times. This is real love that is woven into his very being. Like we are told, two flesh will become one. That is their life. Its a lifetime kind of love.
This is a picture of my grandparents at their country club where we celebrate mother's and father's day every this same table that fits us all. They are here with Haley probably 4 years ago.

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