Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Sitting in my aunt and uncles castle in the hill country, I am waiting for other aunt and uncle to get here with my cousin, his wife, their two dogs, and my other cousin.  Already at the house are myself, my parents, grandparents, and aunt and uncle. Not to mention the dogs...Brazos, my mom's dog Tobi, Rex, Pepper..and this afternoon Ty, Macie and Chloe arrive.  That my friends is 12 people 8 dogs. The Marksberry, Kirk, Goodman Canine Holiday is in fulls wing.  It would be wonderful if in more of the cousins coughmysistercough...could have made it, but we are enjoying ourselves.  As the last six months of my life have unfolded, I sit here in pure joy thinking about the events.  If you have been around me much, you probably have heard plenty of complaining over the last year.  No matter how bad things have gotten, i have had more fantastic and God given blessings then things to complain about.  

Thins i am thankful for:
  • My dog Brazos is one of the funniest dogs ever and makes me smile all day long!!
  • My roommate because our house always smells good from her candles and we have a fun little home.
  • My family is one of the wildest bunch ever.  I miss everyone that I am not always around and there is never a dull moment when we are together.
  • I am very thankful for getting my Aggie Ring this year.  College was one of the roughest and most wonderful times in my life, but my aggie ring means I am almost done! I will finally have my own classroom and be an independent adult come May!
Well, i have another blod topic ive been wanting to write so I am cutting thankfulness short. I will eat another peice of pie to make up for it :)

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